Comments for Anna Høgh Groth Wed, 27 Oct 2021 02:46:20 +0000
Comment on Why I Gave Up Drinking Coffee For Good. by Jean
Wed, 27 Oct 2021 02:46:20 +0000/?p=2320#comment-22626I think I’ve known for a long time that coffee wasn’t helping my very sensitive, gluten-inflamed gut, but I drank it a little at work for decades, quit for awhile, and started up again in recent years as a retiree to give me “energy”. I do love a non-bitter cup w a conservative splash of vanilla syrup and 2% milk. But if I don’t eat something healthy beforehand or right after, I definitely don’t feel good. Not as bad as you, but my tummy feels “raw”. I get skin blisters from gluten as well as the systemic and gut issues. But I avoid everything but a few, select, certified g-f products… and my skin still erupts, sometimes badly (and always very painfully). I hate it. I’ve been telling myself lately to try dropping either coffee or dairy, but I love at least some dairy and I don’t really need the coffee — I just like it. Funny thing is, though, I’ve never been a COFFEE! drinker, drinking a lot each day and all the really bitter-smelling and -tasting types. In fact, just the smell of very strong coffee brewing makes me feel sick, and, when my brother drinks his coffee almost all day long and the harsh kind, I’ve been known to laugh and ask him how he can drink that “rot-gut stuff”. <— Apparently, my gut has been subliminally trying to convince my brain about something that coffee does to it!
Thank you for this article! I will be weaning myself down to a half-cup a day in order to finish a bag of quality grounds, and then quit cold turkey. I have pretty good will power when I'm motivated by proof, and your article helped a lot!
P.S. Tell your readers this — if you want to wake up body and mind in the mornings w/o coffee and on a very healthy way, find a type of apple you love the taste of, and have one every breakfast w some peanut butter or other nut butter to dip in. Your digestive system and your brain will thank you!!! :)
Comment on Why you should ADOPT and not SHOP for your next furry friend. by Nathan Tito
Mon, 27 Sep 2021 04:52:46 +0000/?p=3411#comment-22627PETstock is such an amazing company for Adoptions! Awesome read!
Comment on Cryolipolysis, what? The freezing of fat-cells on your body – before & after. by Maria
Wed, 14 Jul 2021 10:00:29 +0000/?p=2173#comment-22625Hi Anna,
I’m in the process now of combining these two treatments. Did you wait until you got the full coolsculpting effects first (12 weeks) before you had HIFU? I am looking at having these treatments a week apart but not sure if it could be detrimental to the fat loss..
Comment on Why I Gave Up Drinking Coffee For Good. by Heather
Sun, 02 May 2021 16:04:58 +0000/?p=2320#comment-22486I highly enjoyed this read! I too was an avid coffee-drinker (one cup a day) and said I’d never stop, but recently I decided to try alternating Chai and Matcha during the week. Girrrrllllll, this has saved me. My stomach is flatter, I feel thinner, I think I lost a couple pounds… overall I feel so much better. It has been a struggle sometimes with the digestive aspect, but if I need to I’ll have 2 cups of Chai, lots of fruit, and maybe an herbal laxative at night and that helps a lot. I also experienced headaches for the first couple weeks, but my body is super sensitive. I’m honestly in shock that I was able to get off of coffee and I’m excited about my future health! I’m with you though, that I’ll still enjoy the occasional cup of coffee on the weekend. :)
Comment on Why I Gave Up Drinking Coffee For Good. by Robin
Wed, 28 Apr 2021 01:54:34 +0000/?p=2320#comment-22470In reply to Chanamon Chaiwechnimit.
My stomach is bloated and burning as I read this.
I know it’s because I drink cold brew coffee Every day!
I love the caffeine buzz, but my tummy is so upset!
Great article.
Thank you!
Comment on Apple Cider Vinegar Health Benefits & Why You Should Take It Daily. by Acupuncture: Pregnancy Swelling & Fluid Retention – Femme Vital Women's Acupuncture & Coaching
Mon, 14 Dec 2020 04:10:08 +0000/?p=2951#comment-22107[…] a cup of water with one small tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, this is rich in potassium which can benefit your electrolyte […]
Comment on Stomach Cramps, Pain & Bloating? Use These Natural Remedies For Soothing & Prevention by Alex
Fri, 20 Nov 2020 14:20:15 +0000/?p=2931#comment-22057Hello,
I am just wondering what brand of digestive enzymes you would recommend?
Thank you
Comment on Apple Cider Vinegar Health Benefits & Why You Should Take It Daily. by Harvey Lee
Fri, 16 Oct 2020 11:24:51 +0000/?p=2951#comment-22024Apple cider vinegar is very beneficial remedy for health and you are sharing a great way to take it. I will try this recipe. I will definitely try this recipe. Thanks a lot for sharing.
Comment on Why Marine Collagen is Your Best Friend if You Want Glowy & Healthy Skin by 30-DAY REVIEW: ISAGENIX Marine Collagen Elixir • Anna Høgh Groth
Sun, 13 Sep 2020 22:07:35 +0000/?p=3198#comment-22014[…] those of you who don’t know much about Marine Collagen, I suggest you start with reading this article that I wrote, before continuing below to fully understand what it is and how it can help you with […]
Comment on GREAT NEWS; An Update On My Hormones & Period. by Mia
Mon, 07 Sep 2020 09:38:20 +0000/?p=3166#comment-22008Hi Anna, which practitioner did you work with to review your hormone levels? I have terrible hormonal acne that I would like help with.