Why I Gave Up Drinking Coffee For Good.

The most common reaction I’d normally get would be in the lines of: ‘OMG, how are you not dying without coffee right now?!’.

Well, fast forward 4 weeks and, yep – I’m still standing. And not even just standing, I’m thriving more than when I was on the coffee-bandwagon – a band-wagon that nearly half the population (46%) of Australia is on – for better or worse.

Now, I’m not saying that coffee is bad for you, or in anyway unhealthy – unless you load it up with creamer and white sugar in teaspoons – actually, coffee is and can be a very healthy, hot drink – what it comes down to is how you take it (straight?), but more importantly, how your body reacts to it – something that a lot of people fail to notice.

Which leads me to the point; Why did I stop drinking coffee?

I’ve had a very sensitive gut for many many years. Genes, illness, eating disorders, poor eating, too strict eating – you name it – it’s all contributed to the very sensitive stomach I deal with today.

One of the problems (for me) with a very sensitive gut, is that I get incredibly bad reflux or heartburn. It’s so bad, that if I do a downward-dog and open my mouth, chances are, that the stomach-acid will be coming up and straight out of my mouth. Sorry for the visuals, however, I want you to understand how much a sensitive & ruined gut can wreck havoc on your life.. Not to mention the pain it causes.

My poorly-functioning gut also shows up like bad skin (breakouts and dullness), poor sleeping patterns, a lack of energy, depressive mood-patterns, dry body-skin, thin and fine hair, non-clear eyes and much more.

Basically, your entire body-operating system takes place in the stomach and gut, and if that is not well, functioning and thriving, then it will not absorb the nutrients you’re feeding it, meaning it won’t be sending out all the good vitamins, carbs, proteins and other building-blocks it needs, in order for you to look and feel as great as you’re suppose to.

So, what’s this got to do with coffee?

As I mentioned to begin with; coffee isn’t bad for you. BUT, if you have a sensitive gut like me, then it could very well be your enemy.

I’ll tell you why:

  1. GERD: If you suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), it’s a good idea to avoid coffee as it stimulates the secretion of gastric acid, which can bring on the heart burn even if you don’t have a bad case of GERD. And if you do? It’s going to be much worse!
  2. STOMACH ACID: Caffeine stimulates the stomach cells to release more hydrochloric acid, which can, at times, aid digestion, but regular coffee drinking, especially in the morning on an empty stomach, reduces the amount of stomach acid available for digestion later on.
    The main bacteria responsible for ulcers, prefers highly acidic environments. Combine this with the way coffee weakens the protective barrier of the stomach – the mucosal layer — and the risk of damage and ulcers increases.
  3. GLUTEN: Coffee is like gluten, at least that’s what our bodies might think. If you have gluten sensitivity, then you should approach coffee with caution.
    Turns out, coffee is one of the most common cross-reactive foods. In other words, the body can mistaken coffee proteins for gluten. And that means, just like it would produce antibodies to attack gluten (thereby causing inflammation) it might do the same with coffee.
  4. INFLAMMATION: Regular coffee consumption – more than half a cup a day – has been shown to increase circulating white blood cells and key inflammatory cytokines. So, when you regularly drink coffee you end up with inflammation-causing cells spreading throughout your body. That leads to chronic systemic inflammation, albeit low. But even at low levels, more inflammation is what you want to avoid if you have a sensitive gut.
  5. FOOD ROTTING: Coffee’s known to encourage the stomach to release its contents into the small intestine before complete digestion has occurred. Food that doesn’t get fully digested often ends up sitting and rotting in the gut. This creates a toxic environment ideal for ‘bad’ bacteria to spread in the intestines, damages the intestinal wall, and leads to inflammation and an immune response to enzymes in the coffee.

Just remember, these things may not resonate with you, if you are the ‘lucky’ owner of a strong, healthy gut. But if you don’t, then keep reading on..

How did I do it?

Well, to be honest; there’s not really any tips, tricks or magical advice – I just went cold turkey. Part of me also wanted to prove (to myself), that it was simply just a habit having 2-3 cups of coffee a day. Don’t get me wrong; I LOVE COFFEE! And I love enjoying it whilst I work, sipping on it on a rainy day etc.. But it became a security and habit-blanket that was doing more damage than good.

The first 3 days are definitely the worst ones. I will have to be honest; I didn’t feel like I got those withdrawal-symptoms that a lot of people talk about. Rather, it was ‘hand’-withdrawals from not having that cup to grab after, however I quickly substituted it with tea & raw honey for sweetness – and now, more than ever, I’m obsessed with tea and will have 3-4 cups a day (if not more!).

After one week, I found it really easy to continue going. I wasn’t missing it, especially as I’d substituted my coffee-drinking habit with tea, which is actually helping my water-intake and soothing my tummy instead.

The hardest part was getting my regular coffee-spot (Cali Press) to understand I was OFF coffee after they kept asking ‘So, just your regular coffee, Caroline?’ every day for a week (hah!) – they helped strengthen my NO-bone in my body

After 4 weeks off coffee I can genuinely say, my gut and stomach is so much happier.

In just those 4 weeks I have noticed a huge increase in:

  • Far fewer days with reflux
  • Less bloating and upset stomach
  • Better and deeper sleep
  • Less fatigue and tiredness – I have high energy into the early evening
  • Better & more regular bowel-movements
  • Better and clearer skin – my skin is glowing.
  • My eyes are white, clear and not itchy.
  • My mood has improved, and I don’t have as many mood-swings and depressive moments.

For me; these gains far outweighs drinking coffee – not only by my body feels, but also how I can now operate without feeling like I have an addiction running my life.

What do I drink instead?

  • TEA, TEA, TEA! I’m now a huuuuge fan of tea. Pash has introduced me to Earl Grey which I’m obsessesing over with raw honey and a dash of almond or coconut milk.
  • Also, peppermint and chamomile tea’s are calming for your tummy and nervous-system – too much stress can cause your stomach to flare up and get upset.
  • I also have Turmeric Latte’s which are anti-inflammatory and healing for the gut (do half plant or nut-based milk with water).
  • Water with Chlorophyll (I use one from Swisse) but you can get one from your local health-shop – it helps to detox your liver and keeping your insides alkaline. 

I’ll probably still have a coffee on a Sunday or one every-other week, just out of pure enjoyment, but my stomach will be able to process that far better, than the non-stop, mindless coffee-drinking on a daily basis.

So, maybe ask yourself; is it time to ditch the coffee-drinking because it’s purely a habit or could you even cut down on it? It’s food for thought, and you could be healing yourself further, if you have stomach-problems like myself. Or even just challenge yourself and your mind by quitting coffee, even if it’s just for a week or two.

Please, keep in mind that I’m not a health professional and this advice is purely from what I’ve tested on my own body – everyone is different and whilst some may work on my body, it may work differently on yours.

Caroline x

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  1. says: Avelino

    Very hard to find since the net is filled with articles where doctors and researchers pat each other on the back for their discoveries. And it has been too many years (more than twenty but less than thirty) since I read of it either in a science journal or in a book for me to remember the source but it cannot have been too long after this Nobel prize was awarded because that was what stimulated the writings condemning the award. Gastric ulcers are common to people and swine. People can be treated in many ways because they can be talked to and reasoned with and because people are an endless source of money. Swine, on the other hand, simply won”t eat and this costs the pig farmer money so veterinarians need to actually cure their problems. Shortly after WWII, when antibiotics became more widely available veterinarians discovered they cured ulcers in pigs and pig farmers discovered they cured ulcers among their family and friends. But the orthodox medical community refused to accept or condone veterinary medicine for people. So decades passed before people were finally allowed the same relief that pigs had been receiving since the nineteen forties. I know it sounds like a conspiracy theory but I also know I read of it in several sources all from back before there was any real internet to obfuscate search results. cheap

  2. says: Chanamon Chaiwechnimit

    This is great article Caroline :) I sort of drinking my coffee while reading this haha! i think its a habit more then anything and like you said, just having something to hold on to in cold day. I have this habit of having to either get a coffee on my way to work, or keep cup from home on the train just so I can drink my coffee. Its bad i know.

    Thank you for this article, i’am going to try it out for a week and not drink any coffee. :)

    1. I’m so glad you like it Chanamon. It was the same for me; the nonstop coffee-drinking just for ‘the sake of it’. I felt like I wanted to prove to myself that it’s simply just a bad habit and obsession, one that wasn’t doing me any good. And I feel so much better not having coffee. Good luck! Let me know how you go! Cx

    2. says: Robin

      My stomach is bloated and burning as I read this.
      I know it’s because I drink cold brew coffee Every day!
      I love the caffeine buzz, but my tummy is so upset!
      Great article.
      Thank you!


  3. says: Theresia

    Dear Caroline, what a great article. I quit drinking coffee just about 3 weeks ago. I feel so much better and ‘lighter’. And yes the first three days were horrible. Never had such terrible headaches in my life. But all worth the pain :) I see myself in every single word you wrote. Thank you so much for sharing and being such an inspiring soul x

    1. Hi Theresia,

      Ah, I’m so glad you’ve jumped onboard the no-coffe wagon, too! How good does it feel? I feel so much more clear in my head and my thoughts, especially after lunchtime where I’d normally have my dip.

      Hope you can continue, and maybe just have a few sneaky coffee’s sometime ;)


  4. Pingback: Does Drinking Coffee Affect Your Gut Health? Here's What The Research Shows - Bustle - Airiters
  5. says: steven collier

    hi ,ive just given up coffee due to my colon feeling sort of full all the while and i have alot of gas,bowel movements although regular seem to be not very well digested soft stools and pale in colour.After going coffee free for 3 days ive noticed stomach feels less bloated and i dont have to pass urine so often,i thought i may have a prostate problem but that feels fine now..i’m 61 years old.I’m hoping my sleep improves now because i only sleep for about 4 hours..will report my findings in a couple of weeks.

  6. says: Amy

    This is a great article. I have acid reflux and gastritis. Every morning for many years I have drank about one-and-a-half cups of coffee and a hot water with lemon, along with a mostly fruit breakfast and 2tbsp of raw cacao mixed with powdered peanut butter to make a rich chocolate peanut butter paste. All too much acid for an empty stomach? Do you think it’s the acid? The caffeine? The coffee only? The chocolate? I’m nervous to quit this habit because I think it helps me go #2. Will stopping the coffee cause constipation? Help! Right now, my stomach bloats after breakfast, stools are loose, gas builds up, and mucus actually propels out with gas. So debilitating!!! Help please. Any information or advice would be SO appreciated.

  7. says: Bec

    Hi all:
    I can recommend Organic coconut oil (food grade) for constipation. Just add it to your coffee/hot drink in the morning. Start with 1/4 teaspoon and then increase to a teaspoon or more. All works with ease after taking it. In regards to coffee, I know bone broth is a great alternative to a morning cuppa. Best of luck!

  8. says: Heather

    I highly enjoyed this read! I too was an avid coffee-drinker (one cup a day) and said I’d never stop, but recently I decided to try alternating Chai and Matcha during the week. Girrrrllllll, this has saved me. My stomach is flatter, I feel thinner, I think I lost a couple pounds… overall I feel so much better. It has been a struggle sometimes with the digestive aspect, but if I need to I’ll have 2 cups of Chai, lots of fruit, and maybe an herbal laxative at night and that helps a lot. I also experienced headaches for the first couple weeks, but my body is super sensitive. I’m honestly in shock that I was able to get off of coffee and I’m excited about my future health! I’m with you though, that I’ll still enjoy the occasional cup of coffee on the weekend. :)

  9. says: Jean

    I think I’ve known for a long time that coffee wasn’t helping my very sensitive, gluten-inflamed gut, but I drank it a little at work for decades, quit for awhile, and started up again in recent years as a retiree to give me “energy”. I do love a non-bitter cup w a conservative splash of vanilla syrup and 2% milk. But if I don’t eat something healthy beforehand or right after, I definitely don’t feel good. Not as bad as you, but my tummy feels “raw”. I get skin blisters from gluten as well as the systemic and gut issues. But I avoid everything but a few, select, certified g-f products… and my skin still erupts, sometimes badly (and always very painfully). I hate it. I’ve been telling myself lately to try dropping either coffee or dairy, but I love at least some dairy and I don’t really need the coffee — I just like it. Funny thing is, though, I’ve never been a COFFEE! drinker, drinking a lot each day and all the really bitter-smelling and -tasting types. In fact, just the smell of very strong coffee brewing makes me feel sick, and, when my brother drinks his coffee almost all day long and the harsh kind, I’ve been known to laugh and ask him how he can drink that “rot-gut stuff”. <— Apparently, my gut has been subliminally trying to convince my brain about something that coffee does to it!
    Thank you for this article! I will be weaning myself down to a half-cup a day in order to finish a bag of quality grounds, and then quit cold turkey. I have pretty good will power when I'm motivated by proof, and your article helped a lot!
    P.S. Tell your readers this — if you want to wake up body and mind in the mornings w/o coffee and on a very healthy way, find a type of apple you love the taste of, and have one every breakfast w some peanut butter or other nut butter to dip in. Your digestive system and your brain will thank you!!! :)

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