Golly. Where did the year go? I could’ve sworn it wast just Christmas a few weeks ago.. But, I’m sad to say, I’m definitely losing out to the calendar as it’s showing me, black on white, that Christmas is here once again.

I don’t know about you, but Christmas and the end of the year, is often a time where I forget to look after myself and neglect myself in more ways than one. It suddenly becomes more important to run around and get Christmas presents, be social, go to parties, drink and eat (loads!) and stay up late instead of meditating, getting enough sleep, eating well, moving your body and being out in nature..

And I know, we’re doing all of the above things, because we want to be there for people and we don’t want to miss out.. But, BY doing all of the above things and trying to ‘fit it all in’, we’re jeopardising our own physical and mental health along with possibly burning-out. Add all of that to any ongoing stress, worries or exhaustion you may have accumulated throughout the year, and you have yourself a ‘ticking time bomb’. And we all know, that if we can’t be the best versions of ourselves, we can’t be there for the people we want to be there for, nor do we have the energy to do all the fun things we want to do before the year is over.

So, without more chit-chatting, let’s get right to it. Let me help you come up with a few ways in which you can look after & spoil yourself this Christmas.

1. Start each morning with Meditation:

I know I go on about this, but meditation has been such a big game-changer in my life. Every morning, upon waking, I sit in stillness in my bed, eyes closed and gently breathing. I let whatever may come and go as it pleases. I try not to judge, but just observe my train of though or feelings that may arise. It helps release my tension for the day. It prepares me for a better, more gentle and spacious approach to the people around me and the tasks that lays ahead of me throughout the day.

If you’re new to meditation, just try to sit comfortably up against the wall in your bed and close your eyes. Focus on your breathing, Every time you realise that your mind is running off with a thought, come back to your breathing. Sit in stillness for as long as you can. Even 5-10 minutes is incredibly beneficial for you.

2. Make exercise a part of your morning routine:

I’m a morning exerciser, because of the fact, that if I wait until getting it ‘done’ in the afternoon, I know it just won’t happen. Chances are, you might be the same? But that aside, morning exercise also sets you up for the day ahead.
It will help to reduce stress levels and improve your overall health, but it will also get those ‘happy hormones’ flowing and your heart pumping – everything that will help you to feel better and stronger. It can be yoga, a circuit training, a morning swim or just a walk. But whatever it is, just make sure your body is moving to wake it up.

3. Eat a balanced & nutrient-dense diet:

I know it’s hard when it’s Christmas, and every weekend is basically booked out with parties or social gatherings, but in-between those, you have the choice and power to eat as good as you can to help your body and mind get through the stressful Christmas-period and the last days of work before the year is over.

Try to pack as many leafy greens and vegetables into your diet as possible as well as healthy oily fish, tofu, tempeh or another protein like free-range, organic chicken or grass-fed beef. Don’t forget your healthy carbs like sweet potato or grains like black rice or quinoa. If you have a sweet-tooth, head to my recipe section where there are loads of healthy, raw treats that will help you stay on track to feel the best you. And remember to drink loads of filtered water, to keep you hydrated and your brain alert. It will also help you recognise whether you’re truly hungry or you’re just thirsty – something a lot of us can’t tell the difference between.

4. Keep a consistent sleep routine:

Late nights, early mornings and vice versa. Different bed times and different wake-up times all wreck havoc on our bodies and our days. Focusing on going to bed and waking up at the same time, is really beneficial for how you feel when you do wake up. And getting at least 8 hours of sleep should be a minimum during stressful times. Our bodies regenerate and rebuild themselves when we sleep, so we want to make sure we’re adequate in ZzZZzZ’s.

5. Count your blessings:

I think we all do this, but for some reason we really like to beat ourselves up at the end of the year for all that we’ve done and left undone. Sometimes it takes a big, heart wrenching mess to wake us up, to inspire change, and to finally release us from the guilt of getting there in the first place. When our imperfections become evident and all out into the open, it often becomes clear that we had to go through it, to get to the lessons, and then the enormous blessings.

Try to journal down 5 things that has been incredibly hard for you this year, and then see what has come of them. Chances are, they’ve given you a new opportunity to move forward with your life.

6. Quality over quantity:

Spend time with family and friends who encourage you to be a better version of yourself. Who make you laugh until you cry and smile until your cheeks hurt. Don’t feel obliged to see everyone and attend every single event or gathering in the social calendar. Quality over quantity takes the price in this race. And you’ll end up enjoying it so much more, than simply going to something because you feel obliged to. No one ever enjoys that anyway, and life is simply too short to run yourself to the ground just to please others. Put yourself first, and opt for Quality over Quantity – always.

7. Get into nature:

If you’re in Australia, it’s summer sunshine for everyone. Get down to the beach, jump in the water, go for a walk, run the tracks in the forest, go for a bike-ride.. Whatever it is, just get out amongst nature, the place where you’re from and let the soothing nature settle you. My favourite thing is to get salty (swim) every day, or as often as I can. Also, getting some Vitamin D for my mental health is very important for me, so I make sure I get at least 30 minutes at the beach or in the park every single day.
Take time to do you!

8. Spoil yourself a little bit:

It’s the end of the year, and you’ve made it this far. Chances are, if you’d be a little bit less hard on yourself, you’ve actually done really well and kicked some serious goals; whatever they may be. It’s okay to spoil yourself a little, sometimes. Whether it’s running a bath, taking yourself to the spa to get a massage or purchasing something that can remind you of this time, go do it!

One of my favourite ways in which reminds me of how far I’ve come, is a watch. It signifies time (of course), but also my watches are a representation of my feelings, of who I am as a person and it’s a constant reminder to me of, not running quicker, but remembering to slow down.

My newest watch; The Heritage Visodate Quartz  is such a lightweight option and one I can wear every single day. It’s light enough to use whilst training, and the sapphire glass means that it won’t scratch or break. I now have a collection of Tissot Watches and I love every single one of them. 

There’s no greater gift than TIME – something we wish we could all have more of, I’m sure.

For me, a watch-piece signifies my life; my past (my dad taught me to read a clock), my present (I’m growing) and my future (what I’m accomplishing & becoming).

This Christmas, I hope you have the courage and will to look after yourself. It’s not selfish, it’s not frowned upon. It’s important. For yourself and for the people around you.

Merry Christmas & Thank You for all your support this year.

Caroline xx

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